Monday, July 6, 2009

Monticello Rifles

Third Louisiana Infantry, Co. H.
From the southern part of the parish came the Monticello Rifles, in which W. D. Hardeman, W. C. Corbin, and C. A. Hedrick served, under the command of Captain John S. Richards. They were ordered to Arkansas.
Richards, J. S. Re-elected May 08, 1862. Promoted to Major.
Hardeman, W. D., Captain
Promoted Captian and A.Q.M., A. A. G., General Hebert's Staff
J. S. Richards, Captain.-----Re-elected May 8, 1862. Promoted Major.
W. D. Hardeman, 1st Lieutenant.-----Promoted Captain and A. Q. M., A.
A. G., General Hebert's Staff.
A. A. Hedrick, 2nd Lieutenant.-----Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 8, 1862.
W. H. Corbin, 2nd Lieutenant.-----Discharged.
H. Maynadier, 1st Sergeant.-----Discharged.
A. W. Currie, 2nd Sergeant.-----Promoted Captain. Elected 2nd Lieutenant, May 8, 1862.
J. W. Alexander, 3rd Sergeant.-----Killed at Floyd, Louisiana, by Federals.
Dr. J. Chambless, 4th Sergeant.-----Appointed Surgeon, 1861.
T. G. Walcott, 1st Corporal.-----Discharged.
Dr. J. S. Herring, 2nd Corporal.-----Discharged.
W. A. Page, 3rd Corporal.-----Discharged. Rejoined.
C. E. Guy, 4th Corporal.
Anthony, S. L.
Atkins, J. M.-----Discharged, 1861.
Beard, W. A. 1st Sergeant.-----Killed, March 7, 1862, Elk Horn.
Beverly, J. J.-----Discharged, 1862, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Bickman, J. D.-----Killed, September 19, 1862, Iuka.
Bonner, W. F.-----Discharged.
Bowles, J. E.-----Died, 1861, Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Bradley, W. C.
Briggs, H. D.-----Appointed 1st Sergeant, 1862.
Bruton, B.-----Discharged. Killed at Floyd, Louisiana.
Bullard, T.-----Discharged.
Byrd, H.
Byrd, J.-----Killed, Vicksburg.
Bums, W., Corporal.-----Killed, Vicksburg.
Cathron, J.
Crawford, F. A.
Canady, W. J.
Collins, G.-----Discharged. Killed by Federals.
Collinsky, P.-----Discharged.
Corbin, W. P.-----Killed, March 7, I 862, Elk Horn, Arkansas.
Corbin, J. J.-----Discharged. Afterward Lieutenant.
Davis, J.
Dawson, M. H.
De France, A.
Dempsey, _____.Died.
Dorsey, W.-----Died at Hospital, Quitman, Louisiana.
Drake, J. B.-----Discharged.
Eddins, L. S.
Ewing, A. G. Captain and A. C. S., 3rd Louisiana Cavalry.
Fitch, W. P.-----Discharged.
Fitch, N. F.-----Discharged.
Green, W.
Gardner, T. B.
Guy, C. E.
Hedrick, J. E. C.-----Discharged.
Hedrick, P. P.
Hedrick, W. A.
Hargrove, W. J.
Hargrove, J. F.-----Wounded, Vicksburg.
Hash, B. F.-----Died.
Holbrook, _____.----- Discharged.
Holden, J. J.-----Discharged.
Horton, W. C.-----Killed.
Horton, H. T.
HoHand, J. B.
Howard, J.-----Discharged, July 19, 1862, Conscript Act.
Humphreys, J. H.
Insley, T.
Irwin, E.
Irwin, J. J.
James, S.-----Died, June, 1861, Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Jeeter, C. S.-----Killed accidentally, 1863, Snyder's Bluff.
Jones, M. A. J.-----Discharged.
Keegan, Geo.
Kelly, J.-----Discharged, wounded.
Keeff, M.-----Discharged, 1862.
Knight, B.-----Died, 1862, Tupelo, Mississippi.
Landfair, J. L.
Leggett, E. H.
Mangum, W. S.-----Discharged.
Martin, J. A.-----Killed, Vicksburg.
Martin, T. D.
Murphy, M.
McCarty, F. B.
McCowen, J.-----Wounded, V\cksburg.
McDonald, J.-----Killed, September I9, 1862, luka.
McDonald, R.
McGrew, S. J.-----Killed at Floyd, Louisiana, by Federals.
NcNiel, J.-----Elected 1st Lieutenant.
McFadden, E.
McPherson, Alexander--- private listed
Morrison, J.
Morehead, N.
Nash, J. R.-----Appointed 2nd Sergeant.
Nolan, W. P.-----Discharged.
Only,J. T.-----Killed, March 7, 1862, Elk Horn.
Perry, J. E.-----Killed March 7, 1862. Elk Horn.
Perry,J. R.
Pope, W. P.-----Discharged.
Richardson, W. W.-----Discharged.
Richardson, L., Dr.-----Discharged.
Ravan, J.-----Discharged.
Ray, J. E. -----Discharged.
Reese, J. C.-----Killed, Vicksburg.
Reese, S. L.
Rollins, J.-----Discharged.
Rollins, R.-----Discharged.
Roland, J. F.
Scott, R. C.-----Transferred to McCulloch's escort, 1861.
Scott, H. L.
Sharplin, W. P.-----Killed, March 7, 1862, Elk Horn.
Smith, J. M.
Sherdan, B. F.-----Discharged.
Sherdan, J. M.-----Discharged.
Singleton, S. S.-----Killed, March 7, 1862, Elk Horn.
Sims, L. P.
Smithe,J. M.-----Killed, March 7, 1869, Elk Horn.
Smithe, N. B.-----Discharged.
Spurlock, J. L.-----Discharged.
Stuart, J. M.-----Elected 2nd Lieutenant, May 8, 1862. Wounded at
Tornlin, M. H.-----Killed on "Big Black," Mississippi.
Tompkins, J. B.
Wade, S.
Weatherly, W. W.-----Died.
Whadey, J. W.
Wilson, D.-----Discharged.
Veale, J.-----Killed, Vicksburg.
Young, S.-----Discharged.
Young, James.-----Died, 1861, Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Young, John.

Please contact me if I have accidentally left someone of
the Monticello Rifles' list.
Newspaper: Banner Democrat, East Carroll Parish, Louisiana Submitted by: Evelyn Mathews Ross 9/02 Dedicated to my mother & her love of genealogy. Copyright. All rights reserved.
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Banner Democrat Saturday, July 22, 1899 Page 3

FROM AN OLD CONFEDERATE. -------- Canton, Ky., July 4, 1899. Mr. Editor: -- My object in writing you is to find out if some of my old comrades are yet in the land of the living. I went out with Company H, 3rd La. Volunteers, and our company was known as the Monticello Rifles, J.S. Richards, Captain; D. Hardeman, 1st Lieut.; C.A. Hedrick, 2nd Lieut.; Wm. Corban, 3rd Lieut. I have forgotten our orderly sergeant, but he was a good old man, and I think was discharged during the first year of the war. Then H.B. Briggs was made orderly, and served in that capacity until we stacked arms at Vicksburg, thirty-nine years ago to-day. Mr. Briggs was a native of the State of New York, and was as good a soldier as ever fired a gun; but I think our company was made up of as good material as could be found anywhere; officers and men were brave and fearless. I would be glad to hear from some of them. I am an old man now; will be sixty-four years old on the 11th of August, if I should live to that time. It has been so long since I lived in your parish that I have forgotten the names of a great many persons. I am a native of Kentucky, and went to Floyd in 1858, and did business in that place with my brother-in-law, G.M. Langford, and knew a great many people. If I could I would pay dear old Carroll a visit before I die. I had but one sister, and she sleeps on a mound two miles below Floyd, on what was then known as the Creed Motley place, but I will never be able to visit the spot. I know everybody would be strangers now; but if I could see the Lotts, the DeFrance's, the Cheatham's, Draughn, the Montgomery's, the Wyly's Roberts, Delony, Darden, Hanagan's, and a host of other good people, it would be a very great pleasure to me in my old age. Hoping this will be the means of finding some of my old friends.
I am respectfully,


  1. Hi, I see no one has been here for some time, but if you happen to see this...
    Could you direct my search to find the entire name for the soldier seen here:
    J.R. Nash...appointed 2nd Sargeant?
    Thanks so much, Victoria

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
